Sunday, October 12, 2014

Five For Friday!

Hi all! I'm trying out something new today (well it was today, but this didn't post on Friday like I thought it did! So now we're doing Five for Sunday!) and linking up with other blogs for Five for Friday!

One of my kiddos (who I had last year as well) has started recently copying print on her own! This is a HUGE happy teacher moment and has led to many proud student moments (which leads to more happy teacher moments and goes on and on and on...).  This color activity (thanks to Kindergarten Smiles amazing Word Work packets) was done 100% independent and is a HUGE step!  She's worked hard for 11+ months and it's paying off! (Apparently I really like parenthesis ;)...oops!) 

 Look at this cutie working so hard at Read to Self! This is new for us this year and I love that you can even see his little finger tracking text! 

Say hello to one of my new favorite shirts! These J.Crew shirts are cute, comfy, and all net proceeds go to Donor's Choose.  Clothes + teaching = my favorite things! 

This is one of our new favorite games in our class! I mean how can you not love it?! It was handed down to me from another teacher and was missing some pieces, but we make it work!  It is great to get my kiddos talking, describing and using language.  Plus, they look SUPER cute and crack up every time! 

Finally, we started a long anticipated project in our class on Friday! I can't wait to share more details later on, but my kiddos are starting to use our iPads in a SUPER fun way.  More to come later! 

Thanks for stopping by and check out the other blogs linked up for Five for Friday over at Doodle Bugs Teaching!